Articles by Michael Inzelbuch

Articles by Michael I. Inzelbuch, Esq.

View Date Title Description
2013-09-17 Advocating Effectively For Your Child Responsible child advocacy is one of the hallmarks of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) By Michael Inzelbuch

2013-09-04 Tapping Title 1 to Help Yeshiva Students A majority of Jewish schools are not taking advantage of the available federally funded education services offered by the No Child Left Behind Act (Title1) By Michael Inzelbuch

2003-06-11 Inclusion for the Developmentally Disabled Child Inclusion, the right of a classified child to receive a meaningful and individualized education, is an issue that is often the subject of heated debate between parents and school districts
In the News

Articles by Michael I. Inzelbuch, Esq.

Media Headline Link
Cherry Hill Courier Post N.J. parents fight to allow another football season for autistic son

Asbury Park Press Special-ed outsourcing is cut back in Jackson, NJ

COVID-19 Lakewood school District is attempting to meet OUR public school kids NEEDS and the Federal Law,IDEA(Individuals Disabilities Education Act)